Why Internal Creations Exists

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The Mission

Our mission at Internal Creations is to develop leadership, self-sufficiency, and life skills through learning the classical guitar to create responsible, fearless and independent leaders.

We achieve this by implementing guitar ensemble programs in schools, community centers and clinics. Students learn and embody the four pillars of life that ensure success in any field, which music naturally teaches us, which are; patience, persistence, passion and perseverance.

Our main goal is to create conscious kids that make for better people. 

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The Vision

Internal Creations aims to be the leading guitar education provider and become a central venue for all communities to come in, share, learn, be exposed and empowered through instrument learning and performances for everyone in New York City and New York State.

Individuals of all ages often do not have access to music education or self-development resources for themselves or their children, but do have a lifelong interest and motivation for the field. Internal Creations continuously works to create potential life changing programs and services through music in order to provide music education for all and strengthen unity among our communities. 

Internal Creations is an organization that will live on for GENERATIONS to come. This is your legacy, this is how you make a positive difference.

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Our Philosophy

Internal Creations is dedicated to helping develop our youth and community’s unique perspective of life and encourage positive change through learning an instrument.

We believe in the universal pillars of positive change we call the  “Four P’s”, which stand for Patience, Persistence, passion and Perseverance. In our educational programming, Internal Creations provides instruments and professional musical instruction to the participants through our curriculum that is bolstered through encouragement and empowerment; focusing on mentorship when personal and musical challenges arise to guide them on the journey of music and self-development. 

This model recognizes that self-development and sufficiency is a lifelong practice just as learning an instrument and its relation to the experiences that life will bring. We believe the guitar has a wide impact to make a positive social, emotional and professional change and is an effective way to introduce the fine arts to those who have never been exposed, which has drawn the attention of many young students to pursue fine arts study at an accredited four year university.